Back when I was in college, I was a big System Shock 2 fan. My favorite co-op experience of all time was when my dorm roommate and I played SS2 together. I had all kinds of ideas for case mods (even though I had neither the money nor the tools to make it happen). Ultimately, my only creative contribution to the world of Shock was to combine two wallpapers that were floating around the net into one of my very own:
Yeah, I was pretty pleased with myself back in the day. In any case, I wanted to commemorate the recent GoG re-release of SS2 by inviting Shodan to adorn my desktop yet again. Unfortunately, screen resolutions have increased quite a bit in the intervening years, and a pixelated Shodan simply won't do. Fortunately, in the GoG re-release, they included a ludicrously high resolution 5100x3338 pixel render. All I need to do is to scale that down, generate the ASCII half, blend them, and Bob's your uncle.
I'm sure that there are a lot of image to ASCII generators out there, but I can't shy away from a chance to learn something, so I decided to try to write my own. That's not even the interesting part of the story. Because I'm a masochist, I decided to do it with HTML and Javascript. I figured that, between the drag-and-drop API, canvas, and a high-performance JS engine like V8, I could probably get away with it.
Many hours later, I have something that basically works. I'll probably clean it up and get it posted to GitHub. It wasn't too hard to allow dropping an image file onto the page. I end up doing a lot of work against a scratch canvas before finally dumping the output into an image element using the HTMLCanvasElement toDataUrl method. This is great; I can then drag the image off the page and onto my desktop (something that the canvas element doesn't automatically do). Even though the data URL is ridiculously long, it correctly displays on the screen. However, when I was working with the original 17 megapixel image, I found that dragging the output image out of my browser would immediately crash the Chrome tab. Fortunately, Chrome has no problems with the image at my target resolution (1920x1080).
Because this extremely long data URL feels pretty sketchy, I looked to see if there was a way around it. I would love to output the results to a canvas element instead of an image. All I need is to use the DnD API to make the canvas a valid drag source. Of course, in order to do that, I need to be able to generate the PNG bytestream, as well as synthesize a File object in the browser. While it's definitely possible to build a pure-JS PNG encoder, I don't see any way to synthesize a File object. Although the DnD spec specifically asks for a File, maybe it would be happy with an arbitrary Blob instead; I don't know, and I haven't yet tried. If the spec doesn't support this use case, it's a shame; I can think of a number of cases where it would be neat to generate a file from client-side JS.
I like to think that my skills of an artist have improved in the intervening years as well. A little stylistic shading, and here is the result.
I used a different technique to generate the digital side (the original used 0s and 1s and modulated the intensity on a pixel-by-pixel basis; I achieve my shading by choosing from a larger palette of characters). Still, I feel like the end result has the same tone as the original. And just like last time, I'm pretty pleased with myself. Let me know what you think!
Edit: The code is available on GitHub. You can try it out on my site.
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