I found myself doing some stuff in Javascript. In particular, I needed to be able to turn a Date into HTML specific to the application that I'm working on. Let's say that the server sends us a task's creation date. We need to format it:
var fromServer = Date.parse("Sun Aug 03 2008 23:12:52 GMT-0400 (EDT)");However, and I have no guarantee that it will always be a parseable date. In fact, the server sends '-' for dates that don't exist. We still need to output something.
td.innerHTML = format_date(fromServer);
<span class="date">2008-08-03</span><span class="time">11:12 PM</span>
var fromServer = "-";
td.innerHTML = format_date(fromServer);
I would like format_date to accept either a Date that should be formatted, or a string that should be passed along verbatim (with only necessary HTML character entity escaping). How can we do this in an object-oriented fashion?
Attempt 1
The default object-oriented mindset would encourage us to use polymorphism. We have an object, and we want to be able to call a method on that object. Well, we have a Date object.
Since this is Javascript, we could stick an extra method onto Date.prototype that would let us do this. While we're at it, we can put a similar function onto String.prototype:
Date.prototype.formatAsAppSpecificHTML = function() {
return "<span>" + this.getFullYear() + ... + "</span><span>" + this.getHours() ... + "</span>";
String.prototype.formatAsAppSpecificHTML = function() {
return this;
function format_date(o) {
return o.formatAsAppSpecificHTML();
There are some problems with this.
- We have an ugly, ugly method name. This is because we're mixing abstractions. A Date, in general, shouldn't know how to format itself in this way. Why not? Because it probably doesn't apply to most usages of Date. It may be a common behavior in my application, but its a nonsensical behavior in your application. Since the method is very context-specific, the name has to be equally specific.
- This only works in an "open" language that lets us add methods to an existing class/prototype (Ruby and Lua (and arguably C#) fall into this camp, Java and C++ do not). Even if your language has the necessary support, you still have to wonder whether it's a good idea to handle stuff this magical.
- It's not obvious. You don't normally connect Date and String. You don't expect to see methods shared between them. They are very orthogonal primitives. Yet we've tied them together in an unnatural way. In order for somebody to discover this, they need to think to look in two (potentially distant) places in the code.
Attempt 2
Polymorphism is a form of runtime decision making. Rather than use language constructs (such as 'if' and '? :'), polymorphism leverages the power of pointers. Since Polymorphism created some problems in this example, what if we switch to use a more traditional (i.e. not object-oriented) solution?
function format_date(o) {
if (o.constructor === Date) {
return "<span>" + o.getFullYear() + ... + "</span><span>" + o.getHours() ... + "</span>";
} else {
return o.toString();
This approach also creates some problems. We've simply moved the complexity further up the ladder. Before, the knowledge that a task may or may not have a creation date was strewn across 2 types: Date and String. Looking at either type in isolation, you only see half of the picture. You might not realize that you can take anything that comes from the server and format it correctly. Now, however, that knowledge is pushed in your face. We're making explicit decisions about concrete types wherever we need to. It's easy to get it right once. So far, we're only handling formatting. What if we also want to draw a timeline? What if we want to find the earliest task in a list of tasks? What if you want to relate a task to source control submissions that occurred while the task was active. In all of these cases, you will need to deal with the fact that a task might or might not have a starting date. At some point, somebody's going to forget that they need to check this, and there's going to be a bug.
Attempt 3
If object-oriented didn't work, and procedural didn't work, what are we going to do? Well, actually, I lied. The first attempt used one form of object-oriented abstraction. There are many more. Both of the attempts so far have suffered from primitive obsession. They dealt with both Strings and Dates. In actuality, we don't want to concern ourselves with either of these. We actually have something different - we have an OptionalDate. An OptionalDate knows whether it represents an actual date or whether it represents no date at all. It can format itself correctly in either case, and can be compared to other OptionalDates for sorting purposes. In fact, OptionalDate handles any operation that needs to work with both actual dates and "not dates".
function format_date(o) {
return o.format();
function OptionalDate(d) {
this.d = d;
OptionalDate.prototype.format() {
if (d) {
return "<span>" + this.d.getFullYear() + ... + "</span><span>" + this..getHours() ... + "</span>"
} else {
return "-";
What makes this a better solution? After all, the code looks very similar to the code in attempt 2.
- It localizes the code better than attempt 2. Rather than checking for the presence of a date all throughout your code base, you can collect all those if/else statements in one place. You also get the chance for some pretty cool higher-order programming, where OptionalDate has a method that takes a function to be called if the OptionalDate actually has a date.
- It also gives us a better place to hang domain-specific code. Hey, business logic has to live somewhere. It never seems right to put it on the primitive objects, and it also doesn't make sense to put it at the highest level of abstraction. Business logic is the foundation upon which you build an application. As a foundation, it needs a separate place to live.
- It makes more sense. When a new programmer is brought onto the team, they will be able to better understand just what is going on. This is extremely important. I believe that, if a person ever has a question about the code, it's a good sign that the code should change. That doesn't mean that you actually take the time to refactor the code, but it's a sign that this is a place that could use some attention.
My Solution
In the end, I went with something close to Attempt 2. This was actually my first choice; Attempt 1 was purely synthetic. I'm working with a legacy code base, and I'm a little wary about introducing big changes just yet. I'm also very conscious about time. In any case, this is an improvement over what was there before (it just treated the date/time as an opaque string, which wouldn't work at all for my requirements).
There are definitely some problems for which the object-oriented noun/verb paradigm breaks down. Or, perhaps stated more precisely, there are problems where that paradigm confuses more than it helps. However, that isn't true in this case. We were able to introduce some good refactorings even while staying true to the spirit of good design.
You may wonder why I care so much. I mean, any of the attempts would have solved the problem perfectly well. Why spend time even thinking about it? I believe that pragmatism is an important trait in programmers, but so too is learning. Whenever you start working on a problem, you need to choose a direction to pursue. Until you start walking, you'll never make progress. You may find yourself at a dead-end, but you wouldn't have known if you hadn't gone that way. My goal is to develop a strong enough design sense that the path that I choose with little thought tends to be one that will work out in the long run. Programming is both tactical and strategic. Most programmers develop their tactical skill as a natural part of writing code. I'm trying to sharpen my strategic skill.
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