Thursday, June 26, 2008

On Usability

I've been slowly learning that, in my heart, I'm a usability guy. I'm always concerned for the experience that end users will have with software. I care about making it easier for people to do what they want to do. When it comes to user interfaces, I like bling, but only when it helps the user accomplish a task or understand an interaction. I love Expose. It's such a simple but powerful concept. It's also made for a great demo. I hate Flip 3D. It's pretty, but also pretty pointless.

I've been interested in API design for a long time, too. As a developer, I have used some libraries that were an absolute joy, and other libraries that were a total mess. My recent foray into Flex (specifically, getting the Tree control to lazily load its data) reminded me what it's like to use a bad API.

I mentioned to a coworker the other day that, if you're developing a library, you should be at last as good a developer as the people that will end up using it. To me, it looked like Adobe (or Macromedia - I don't really know who's responsible) put all of their junior developers on the component library project. As a result, we're blessed with the interface IDataDescriptor, whose methods include isBranch() and hasChildren(). What's the difference? Should they ever be different? Who knows?!

I realize that I misspoke to my coworker. I should have said that people developing libraries should have a code aesthetic sense. I don't mean code aesthetics in terms of indentation or brace style or what have you. I mean that API designers need to consider the people that will end up using the library. Just as the hallmark of an Apple Design Award winner is that users "just get it", a good API should also be so easy to understand that it seems obvious to you. As in, "why would anybody make this API any different?"

Design is hard. It takes a conscious effort (well, for most of us). That's why it's important to do. If you're a developer, ask yourself: is this easy enough to understand. Remember, you're writing for an audience - your code does not exist for your eyes only. Even if it did, you're liable to forget everything before you come back to work on it again. If you're a manager, make sure there's enough space for developers to focus on this. If it looks like you're going to miss a deadline, that doesn't give you carte blanche to pressure developers out of finishing their work. Just because the code works doesn't mean it's done.

If you can't make an API grokkable, at least document it well. The standard Java and MSDN docs are full of nonsense.

setFoo(IFurple f) - sets foo to f

Really? I wouldn't have guessed. This tells me nothing. What is foo and why do I care. Why is foo a furple? If anybody ever asks a question about your API, it's a sign that something needs to change. Maybe you just need to add some documentation. Maybe you need a high-level wiki page explaining what the library is trying to do. Maybe you need to rename a method. Maybe you really do need to change the API. Or maybe you just need to smack the developer on the head and tell them to read the Javadocs first. But if you don't change anything, the problem is just going to repeat itself. Who knows - maybe you'll discover a bug or race condition along the way.

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